Dogs are my passion . . . photographing them is my hobby. Lucky for me, my business, Minnesota dog boarding facility Top Dog Country Club, allows me to enjoy my passion and my hobby every day. I am all about action shots and capturing their faces . . . revealing the character and expression in their eyes. I don’t have the advantage of a controlled environment or lighting, so getting great photos can be incredibly challenging. I am thankful for digital photography and fast cameras.
Jean’s tips for great photos:
1) Lighting, lighting and lighting
2) Angle of the subject
3) Capture what makes them unique
4) Be quick and anticipate their motion
1) Outdoor photos are best taken with a slightly overcast sky providing a soft, even light. Bright sunshine can produce harsh shadows, so you need to pay attention to the angle of the sun and get the sunlight behind you, facing the dog so their eyes pop. That is also best for photographing black dogs. For fast action photography, you need bright sunlight and a fast speed. Make certain you are not photographing a scene with part sun and part shade. The result will not be good.
2) Get down on the ground at their level or even below. You miss so much by standing and taking photos looking down on your dog.
3) Their quirky behavior and their imperfections are what make them unique and interesting. Make that the theme of the photo.
4) Learn to anticipate their motion. Most digital cameras still have a slight delay . . . and dogs move fast and in unpredictable ways.
Most of all have fun. The memories you create will last a lifetime!
Jean Stelten
"Lead Dog"
Top Dog Country Club